Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...
Session 56 - 18th of Youngers, 1392
This week's adventurers:
Blossom (Rogue 4)
Mayfly (Magician 4)
Liminal Space (Changeling 3)
Mechtilde (Fighter 3)
Verinka (Changeling 2)
Ulf (Magician 1)
Franz Croakenbell (Frogling 1)
Hirelings: Gerung Floating Disk (MU 1), Fredman (Fighter 1), Grumbletoe (Dwarf 1)
Downtime in the Village
For the second week in a row, a new joiner joins! A Frogling by the name of Franz Croakenbell (played by my actual brother) seeks to delve into the horrors of Nightwick with us! Mechtilde put out an ad, seeking to hire a dwarf to act as a scout for the party. One dwarf, named Grumbletoe, responds, and she agrees to pay him handsomely for his services. Ulf manages to buy a crossbow from a traveling merchant to give him a way to be useful once he has cast his only spell.
Ulf also spends the week researching arcane secrets from what he has learned in the abbey, studying the Pits of Hell and its denizens. Since he has begun this study, however, strange happenings have occurred in the house where much of the party dwells. Doors have been opening and shutting of their own accord, people have claimed to bump into large objects not visible to the eye, and strange, glowing eyes have been seen in the windows at night. Normal magician stuff, nothing to worry about.