Friday, March 31, 2023

Nightwick Abbey - Session 50!!!! - Everything is Fine. Nothing is Ruined.

 Previously, in the world of Nightwick...

Art by Don Greer

Session 50 - 30th of Primes 1392

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 4)

Sotar (Cleric 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 3)

Yevgeniy the Coward (Cleric 2)

Mechtild (Fighter 3)

Hirelings: Gerung Floating Disk (MU 1), Ticze (Changeling 1), Ditl (Cleric 1), Andre (Fighter 1), Heyno

Downtime in the Village

Over the week, the party, with our 700 mercenaries in tow, uneventfully make it back to Nightwick Village. We plan to march out to meet the White Lady in two weeks (when all of the players will be available to play) and so this week, we decide to return to Nightwick Abbey. A number of potential hirelings come up to us, offering to be hired, as we prepare for our delve. Our applicants are:

  • A single member of the Corbies (one of the merc companies we hired last week), Andre, offers to delve into the dungeon with us in exchange for a half share of treasure (and xp). He brings with him chainmail, a helmet and hounskull, a shield, a sword and a lance.
  • Nyze, a peasant girl from the village, offers to serve as a linkperson (basically a torchbearer) for 5sp/month. She's missing her right arm.
  • Bero, a member of the woodsman's lodge, offers to fight with us armed with a bow and axe. (1gp/month with 5sp danger pay). He is hobbled and can only move as fast as a man in plate.
  • A tongue-less bandit whose name we can't quite make out. He's otherwise well armed. We assume he takes the standard fare, 10sp/month.

Mechtild hires the bandit (swiftly nicknamed "Gutteral,") swearing she can fix him. Sotar hires Andre and Blossom hires Bero to increase the party's fighting power. We decide to enter Nightwick Abbey by the side entrance through the graveyard, where the party hasn't been since session 4, which will take us straight to level 3.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Nightwick Abbey - Session 49 - Blossom the Rogue's Excellent All-Natural 100% Authentic Real Fake Children (and Some Silly Gooses)

Previously, on the road from Nightwick....

Session 49 - 17th of Primes 1392

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 4)

Sotar (Cleric 4)

Cherwe (Cleric 4)

Mayfly (Magic-User 3)

Liminal Space (Changeling 3)

Yevgeniy the Coward (Cleric 2)

Verinka (Changeling 2)

Mechtild (Fighter 2)

Hirelings: Gerung Floating Disk (MU 1), Ticze (Changeling 1), Ditl (Cleric 1) + All the others

Arriving in Frogguts

The party has just arrived at Frogguts, a town that seems to have based its entire identity on hating Froglings. Unlike Knightpath and Nightwick, the buildings of Frogguts are packed in tightly together in three large blocks. As we walk down the street towards the Frog Legs Inn, we notice that we don't see any children in town. Liminal Space, our most charismatic party member, talks to one of the villagers we pass. 

"Hello peasant, I see that you have no children."

Said peasant goes into her house silently and continues to warily watch the party through a window. Once we make it to the inn, we note that the population seems to be all Realmish people with none of the local Bogdonis present. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Nightwick Abbey - Session 48 - Everyone Has Two Grandmothers

The halls of Nightwick call for blood! There is an opening for new adventurers to join us on our weekly delves!

Session 48 - 16th of Primes 1392

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 4)

Sotar (Cleric 4)

Mayfly (Magic-User 3)  

Liminal Space (Changeling 3)

Yevgeniy the Coward (Cleric 2)

Verinka (Changeling 2)

Mechtild (Fighter 2)

Hirelings: Gerung Floating Disk (MU 1), Ticze (Changeling 1), Ditl (Cleric 1) + All the others

Downtime in the Village

Last week, the gang (sans Sotar) acquired a new house! There were people in the basements or dog breeders? Now we have a hangout spot for the crew and hopefully a safer place to store party treasure. The White Lady, one of the old gods of the land, is still harassing the roads to the north and so we decide brave the 3 day journey to Blackleg in the south to hire some mercenaries to go deal with her. Blossom scouts to try to get a handle on what forces the White Lady brings with her and discovers that she seems to have a horde of pigmen as her army with elves serving as officers, though Blossom is unable to determine the size of her forces.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Nightwick Abbey - Session 46 - Between Two Corpses

Previously in Nightwick....

Liminal Space in his talk show debut.

Session 46 - 2nd of Primes 1392

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 4)

Sotar (Cleric 4)

Yevgeniy the Coward (Cleric 2)

Verinka (Changeling 2)

Liminal Space (Changeling 3)

Mechtild (Fighter 2)

Cherwe (Cleric 3)

Hirelings: Gerung Floating Disk (MU 1), Ticze (Changeling 1), Ditl (Cleric 1)

Downtime in the Village

Happy New Year from the Dreadful Wonderful World of Nightwick Abbey!!! As the calendar flips over in the Dark Country, news of trouble strikes the village. A group of Frogling traders comes, begging for protection with the village walls. The White Lady has been terrorizing the roads to the north with her army of elves and pig-men. Some wonder if the presence of Paladin Lord Fitzgerald in Lychgate has anything to do with her arrival. 

The party briefly considers going north to meet the Lady before quickly realizing the great dangers that may pose. The familiar threats of Nightwick Abbey seem downright hospitable in comparison. We decide to go instead to level 2 to continue looting and scouting. Without Mayfly present to control the Manimals, we go to the eastern portion of Level 2 where the Manimals don't dwell.

Nightwick Abbey - Session 111 - I See What the Problem is, You've Got Evil Under the Floorboards

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here a...