Saturday, February 24, 2024

Nightwick Abbey - Session 84 - Where We Explore The Abbey For 90 Minutes And Then Get Knocked On Our Asses

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Do the horrors of Nightwick Intrigue you? Do you seek adventures on isles distant? Miranda, the Mastermind of Malevolence behind Nightwick Abbey is running another open campaign: set in the last bastion of a famed wizard, Cuccagna awaits you!

Session 84 - 22nd of Duodecember, 1397

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mechtilde (Fighter 5)

Ulf (Magician 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 4)

Krupe (Cleric 3)

Voorhis (Cleric 3)

Poppy (Fighter 3)

Thekla (Magician 1)

Hirelings: Niklaus (Fighter 1), Assmann (Fighter 1)

Downtime in the Village

Ulf spends his downtime researching and discovers rumors that within Nightwick Abbey there is a portal to the ruins of Ancient Acheron - the first human civilization. 

Liminal Space also trades the demon's smoke we recovered last week to Halfdan the Necromancer for a Potion of Rat Control. He promises us 500sp if we find out whether or not it works on the rat-crow Groans that we've encountered before.

Into The Abbey

This week, we decide to continue our exploration of level 3, still not feeling confident enough to return to level 4.

We enter through the graveyard entrance and travel to the far end of level 3. We loosely have a plan to go to the statue of Valax, Duke of Hell, and steal his crown (again) to sell it.

Outside of his room, first, we decide to explore north. In this next room, the walls are covered in green and purple carvings of hell depicting sinners being tortured. We see Mayfly, Mechtilde, and Liminal Space all carved into the wall for having sold their secrets to demons in the past.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Nightwick Abbey - Session 83 - Low Combat, Max Treasure

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Session 83 - 15th of Duodecember, 1397

This week's adventurers:

Mechtilde (Fighter 5)

Ulf (Magician 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 4)

Krupe (Cleric 2)

Poppy (Fighter 2) 

Voorhis (Cleric 2)

Thekla (Magician 1)

Hirelings: Helusch (Magician 1), Niklaus (Fighter 1), Assmann (Fighter 1)

Downtime in the Village

Ulf was absent for last week's delve but was regaled with stories of the party fighting endlessly in a single 30' by 30' room. Since our last session, Blossom has also attained level 6! Alas, she and Mayfly both are unavailable this week for the delve.

During our downtime in the village, Ulf researches, gaining 800xp at the cost of 800 silver, but loses 2hp from paper cuts (worth it). Mechtilde ordered construction of a spear attached to a bellows for the purpose of sucking up the smoke that is produced when a Knight of Armadeus is killed. The offer of healing potions in exchange for smoke is still valid in the village.

Ulf also sought to restock on torches, but the village supply is somehow completely extinguished! Hopefully, he has enough for this week's delve. We decide to return to level 3 to continue exploring the unexplored bits.

Into the Catacombs

We enter the accursed  abbey through the graveyard entrance, straight onto level 3.

We traverse through the level to the four glowing sigils that once kept level 4 locked away.

At the first one, we go south to an intersection. This area is different than our maps show. The abbey must have shifted at some point.

Ahead of us and to our right (west), we see three alcoves with glints of silver in them.

To the east, we see a room - the details unimportant, we see a great black and shaggy shape moving in the darkness of the room. Surely it knows of us from our torchlight, but it seems to ignore us.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Nightwick Abbey - Session 81 - "That's a lot of lip for something with no skin"

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Session 81 - 1st of Duodecember, 1397

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 5)

Mayfly (Magician 5)

Mechtilde (Fighter 5)

Cherwe (Cleric 5)

Ulf (Magician 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 4)

Krupe (Cleric 2)

Poppy (Fighter 2) 

Voorhis (Cleric 2)

Thekla (Magician 1)

Downtime in the Village

The party was successful at petitioning Father Winter to reincarnate Verinka...however she was brought back at level 1, and so a new character, the Magician Thekla was rolled up in her place.

Mayfly spent the week studying old tomes of Nightwick for rumors of locations to the bones of the Master - the Golden skull he keeps on his person, who he claims can talk to him. Mayfly learned the master used to spend time in the catacombs - we assume this means the level 3 ossuaries.

"This would be a lot easier if you remembered where you left your body parts." 

And so, we decide to return to level 3 in search of golden bones.

Leaving the village early in the morning, we approach the abbey from the west and, passing through the graveyard, we notice 10 freshly dug graves waiting there for us.

We continue into Nightwick Abbey, into the large room decorated with sarcophagi and two now-empty plinths that once held angel statues.

Heading north, we come to an ossuary, 30' x 20'. It's walls are lined with skulls.

The Bone Zone

As soon as we step into the room, the bones in the ossuary begin to rattle and make a great noise.

Nightwick Abbey - Session 114 - Two Knights, Trying to Fuck In-Armor

  Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongo...