Saturday, January 18, 2025

Nightwick Abbey - Session 107 - Who Needs Charisma When You Have 7 Spellcasters


Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 107 - 16th of Unodecember, 1398

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mayfly (Magician 6)

Sir Uein (Fighter 6)

Ulf (Magician 5)

Liminal Space (Changeling 5)

Krupe (Cleric 5)

Thekla (Magician 5)

Poppy (Fighter 4)

Pataki (Rogue 1)

Persnickety (Changeling 1)

Zintra (Changeling 1)

Downtime in the Village

Thekla begins learning Fireball while Ulf and Blossom puts out advertisements for more hirelings. Mayfly begins studying the spell Conjure Elemental.

This week, with a packed partywe decide to head down into level 3 in search of Great King Death with hopes of killing him?

Not sure how that works.

A crossbowwoman and a woodsman offer up their services, but Ulf desires a Fighter to be his new heir and declines to hire either.

Into the Abbey

We leave early in the morning and depart through the cold Fog-Bound Forest for the Abbey, going in through the graveyard entrance straight to the 3rd floor.

As we process through the level, Thekla casts ESP to sense life around us.

We go south from the entrance chamber, to a door.

The Cautious Bird Gets the Worm

Hearing nothing, Blossom checks for traps.

She notices some discolored stone in front of the door, a row of stone in a 10' square going around the front four party members.

We quickly scoot back, out of the square, and Blossom investigates further.

She thinks that the door triggers a pit trap that would drop us down.

Rather than deal with that crap, we go west, to the hallway where the entrance door used to be.

The "entrance" to the 3rd floor got moved when the Abbey rearranged itself and now sits in the middle of the floor. We can still enter into the floor this way, but as soon as the last party member is through, the doorway disappears entirely.

A metal grate covers the way, which Blossom again checks, but finds nothing.

Diplomacy Wins the Day

Thekla detects thoughts to the northwest, past the grate, where old crypts are on our maps.

Judging from their nature we think it's cultists.

We go through the gate and call out into the darkness. The cultists hear us - this group apparently has a truce with us from last session and they let us pass freely.

We follow a passageway south to another door, to which Blossom shrugs when asked about traps.

Sir Uein forces the door open with such force that a burst of purple slime comes out, hitting Pataki.

Familiar Territory

The room is 30' deep and 20' wide, with doors in all four directions. A deep rut is carved into the stone floor, going from north to south, as if years of footsteps has worn down a path.

From memory, to the north is a room with a mural containing depictions of every party member who has sold their soul to Hell.

Mayfly insists we skip that room this week and we go south.

You Can't Double Loot a Room

South, we open the door to reveal a twenty foot hallway that ends in another door.

We open that door to reveal a 30' by 30' room with an alcove with a statue in it.

The statue is of a headless figure in a robe holding up a sword.

This statue once contained the spirit of a lieutenant of Hell, but we stole its silver crown and the demon no longer appears to us.

There are doors east and west.

We keep going east and Zintra forces open the door, but not without hitting a vein and shooting out slime again, hitting Pataki again.

Lightning Bolt goes Brrrrrrrrrrr

Beyond is a large, columnated room, 40' deep and 50' wide filled with undead figures in robes holding swords aloft.

Then begin shambling towards us, attracted by the sound of us.

We once killed a whole group of anti-clerics here, leaving room for the undead to come in and occupy the space.

Mayfly throws an ineffective dagger at the group and Ulf follows up with Lightning Bolt, which rips through the group and disintegrates the undead.

Wonder If They've Played Balatro

We continue through the room to the next door.

Between listening and ESP, we think there's a group of people gambling on the other side.

Pataki forces open the door to reveal a 50' by 30' room, with three tables of devilmen, 14 in all, sitting among them.

However, we made such a racket opening the door, that they're all now standing at attention, swords drawn.

Three of them say simultaneously, "What is your business here?"

Liminal speaks up, "We came to gamble!"

"The game is already started, you cannot wager."

"Ok, what what if I ante this."

Incredible Violence Wins the Day

And with that line, he casts Phantasmal Force in the image of a Fireball, centered in the room.

Persnickety follows up with Sleep.

After the two spells, six devilmen remain standing, the others either unconscious or asleep.

Mayfly casts Web, sticking four devilmen down and Liminal Space casts Hypnotism on three of them, including the two outside of the web.

We quickly kill the variously incapacitated devilmen and search the room.

Finally, Some Good Treasure

On the tables are several smooth black stones - likely Soul Stones, the currency of Hell, and a lockbox.

We find a key to it on one of the bodies and find, inside the box, a large amount of high quality Sweetleaf, worth an estimated 3,000sp.

There's about 60 Soul Stones, however, each time you touch one, you age one year. We use Pataki's shovel to drop them into a sack safely for later use.

Thekla leads us back to the altar room, where we killed the blind dead, to search for a hidden passage, but finds nothing.

At that, we call it a day and swiftly return to the village without incident.

We each gain 441xp and 272sp, 7cp.

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 109 - "An Invisible Woman Wants to Keep You As A Pet"

  Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here ...