Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Never Trust a Treasure Chest - Nightwick Abbey - Session 33

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Session 33 - 6th of Shocktober 1391

This week's adventurers:

Sotar (Cleric 3)

Ianthe (Changeling 2)

Liminal Space (Changeling 1) 

Verinka (Changeling 1)

Cherwe (Cleric 2)

Clepta Tullis (Rogue 1)







Downtime In the Village

Last week we rescued several people from the clutches of the goblins. On our way back to the village, one of the women insists that she must return to her own village in the fog-bound forest and departs from the group. Later in the week, we hear a report from a drunken woodsman that he saw a wolf skin in the woods, left as if its bones "walked right out of it.” He returned to the same spot later and the skin was gone, but a woman's footprints leading right to where it was. It would appear we rescued a werewolf last week. 

Sotar spends the week donating some of his coin to the local church (to gain extra XP) while Cherwe works as a healer to earn some extra coin. The party decides to group their funds together and buy Ticze, Heyno, and a new hireling Mikusch some chain armor to increase their survivability. We also hire two peasants to act as porters, replacing Fidgety Nodge. We agree to return to goblin territory in the abbey and search the areas we didn't have time to last week.

Our adventure this week.

Into Nightwick

Clepta chose to bring his trusty pig into the abbey with him, despite pigs' associations with demons. We return to where we found the goblin sentries previously, but there's no sign of any new goblins. We search the cage room and their sleeping room, but find nothing. Going east from their territory, we find a once nice bedroom - likely where the Great Goblin slept. To the east, Liminal hears the sounds of receding footsteps. We go through the door after them, but find nothing except a hallway.

Traps & Treasure

We decide to search the rooms of the hallway. We open the first one and find what is described as the "goblin shitter." Just piles of feces. The party decides to immediately close the door and not bother with searching the room. We open the door across the hall from it next. The room contains two treasure chests. Clepta wants to check for traps, but winds up finding one with his feet as he enters the room. He triggers a tripwire and a crossbow hidden in the west wall fires, killing him. Liminal searches the chests for traps but only discovers that they're locked. We think to use that key that we took from the goblins last week and it works. As Ianthe turns the key, we hear glass break and green gas sprays out of the keyhole and Ianthe is dead. Liminal opens up the chest and finds a lot of silver! He opens the other chest, taking care to avoid another poisonous blast, and finds a "kingly diadem." He immediately puts it on, and nothing happens. Down two people, we take the treasure back to town.

Pitstop in the Village

The silver totals out to 1,000  (250sp per survivor) and we decide to hold off on selling the diadem until we can determine if it's magic or not. We also pickup up Blossom the rogue (Ianthe's player's other character) and Sotar swaps out a pauldron from Ianthe's armor with one from his own to honor his former frontline friend. There's some trouble with reallocating Ianthe's plate armor - whoever takes it up must also take up her spot on the first rank next to Sotar, but Cherwe (newly level 3) takes up the role.

Into Nightwick

The party returns to the same hallway in Nightwick. We search the final room in the area that we haven't been in yet - it's full of broken glass and pottery. Searching the room, Liminal Space finds an intact bottle with a cloudy blue liquid inside. It has a chemical smell - described as a dish soapy smell, if Liminal knew what that was. We go back to the treasure room and Blossom searches the back wall for any secret door. She finds nothing, but something finds us. Five undead creatures, wearing dirty linen robes with a motif of the sun with a sword underneath. Coincidentally, they're all carrying swords. Liminal is hit badly and one of them grabs Ulman. Cherwe and Sotar manage to kill one when Ulman is torn in two by the one who grabbed him. Cherwe and Sotar cast Protection from Evil and line up on the front line. The undead are unable to attack the clerics, and can't get past them to attack the rest of the party. Mikush and Verinka brandish spears from the second rank. They land some blows against the skeletal beings, but pointed weapons seem to have little effect. At a standstill, we retreat back to the bedroom and, from there, return back to town.

This was a shorter session, though eventful. We have a diadem to examine as well as a magic sword from last week. Sotar is also nearing level 4, which will bring a power boost to the party. After the fact, we realized that we should have turned the spears around and hit the undead with the blunt ends of the spears. "What kind of OSR players are we?" one player exclaimed.

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  Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongo...