Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Dungeon23 - Week 2 - The Excavation Continued

I continue with the above ground ruins on the island of Kamunn-Targ. I'm not entirely happy with the layout - I feel like the buildings don't flow together in the same way dungeon rooms would. I think I'd like them to be more spread out, but the limits of my notebook size prevent that. I'll probably redraw level 1 after this month to give the buildings more room to breathe.

1-9 The Intact Wall Section - The eastern door to the area is still standing, but stuck. A bas-relief carving is on the northern wall, depicting a large figure, either the god Kamunn-Kelo or an ancient king, standing over an island. 11 sun rays come out from his head and he holds a sword in one hand and a large gemstone in the other.

1-10 Corner Tower - An effigy of bones is in the middle of the room. The bones of small animals and several dead crabs are scattered around the room. Once per week, the corvolds gather here at midnight to perform rituals and sacrifices to their god, Z'zzv'v.

1-11 The Half-House (Lair of the Mad Archaeologists) - Two of the walls of this house are gone, but a wooden palisade has been constructed in their place somewhat recently. A wooden roof has also been constructed over the room. 3 archaeologists live here. They went mad from being lost below ground for weeks. They will attempt to capture others and convert them to their madness in area 1-12. They rant about "unspeakable worlds" and "gods of terror," but say little else. The eastern wall of the room is covered in creeping grey vines, unknown to any botanist. There is a campfire, three bedrolls, torches, rope, and provisions in the room. Their water flasks all contain water from the pond at 1-12. The northern palisade wall has a cloth flap in it that serves as a door.

1-12 The Black Pool - A small pond filled with a viscous, black material - it is darker than the night and shows no reflections. The tree on its bank is unnaturally spiraled and twisted, like a helix, its leaves pitch black. Anyone touching or drinking the liquid must Save vs Spells at a -4 penalty. Anyone failing the save goes made, as the archaeologists; anyone succeeding gains enlightenment and learns something of the nature of the dungeon below.

1-13 "G" House - This building contains corpses of 2d4 corvolds, 1d4 goblins and 2 human workers from the expedition. All have expressions of terror on their faces, black eyes, and no obvious cause of death. (They all died from the madness of drinking the water at 1-12).

1-14 The New Hallway (The Ashen Hallway) - A 50' long hallway with a stone roof. This structure does not appear on the earliest records of the site's layout, but the construction appears to be as old as the neighboring buildings. Anyone walking through the hallway with enter a 15' x 25' room in the middle of the hallway. This room is covered in a heavy layer of ash.

1-15 The Burned House - A heavily destroyed structure. The walls show signs of a fire. Several corvold corpses, a goblin corpse, and a human corpse are scattered around. A layer of ash is over the floor.

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