Saturday, March 16, 2024

Nightwick Abbey - Session 87 - Phantasmal Force is Finally Effective

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... 

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick? You can follow the creator's blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 87 - 14th of Primes 1398

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mayfly (Magician 5)

Ulf (Magician 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 4)

Voorhis (Cleric 3)

Krupe (Cleric 3)

Poppy (Fighter 3)

Hirelings: Assman (Fighter 1), Helusch (Magician 1), Niklaus (Fighter 1)

Downtime in the Village

Flush with cash, several of the party went carousing this week. Most had pleasant expierences, but Mayfly wound up in trouble after a night of drinking and was arrested by a figures known as Fingers who made him fork over a fine of 80gp to avoid arrest.

Swearing revenge against his new foe, Mayfly forks over the cash and remains out of prison...for now.

This week, we decide to return to level 4 for more exploration and hopefully treasure.

Down Into the Abbey

On our  way through level 3, Blossom, scouting ahead, turns a corner a spies a dozen cultists standing in our way, right outside the stairs down.

Liminal pops out of the corner and surprises the cultists with a sleep spell.

The leader of the cultist, in a silver mask, cries out as 6 of his companions drop and hurls a Fire Ball at the party. Mayfly is hit, and screams out in pain! Assman and Niklaus are also hit and drop down, dead!

Weirdly, the rest of the party, who made their saves, takes no damage from the fire and feel no heat coming off of it at all...

Poppy fires arrow off, but misses, and Liminal Space follows up with another round of Sleep, putting the rest of the cultists down!

Not Quite Dead

We inspect our "dead" only to uncover that they are unconscious - the victims of Phantasmal Force apparently, though Mayfly still insists that his burns are real.

On the cultists' bodies (after we kill them), we find 100gp and on the leader, a silver mask worth 100sp.

We continue on, reaching level 4 without issue.

A Game About Doors

We go south, to explore new areas, to the fountain room.

We continue on, and try to force open the next door, but fail so horribly that most of the party gets covered in slime spraying out from the door as the result of poor crowbar usage.

Eventually, we get the door open and come to a 20' corridor leading to a 30' by 30' room, with four pillars made to look like swords - this is where we fought the blind dead last week. Thankfully, there's no more undead here today.

To our west, we see a large room filled with a white fog.

To the east and south are hallways with additional doors.

Fly-Person Industry

We go east, to the first set of doors. Liminal listens south and hears the sound of a hammer hitting metal. Blossom listens north and hears sounds of rushing wind and hissing.

Before we can act, the door east opens up! We scramble into position as a Fly-Person, holding a glaive and a steaming sword in each hand, steps into the hallway.

Mayfly greets him, but he is curt and demands that he has to pass through the southern door quickly.

We see figures in the room to the east, crowding around the door, watching us. Then the northern door opens! And there is another Fly-Person, holding a hot iron rod.

We back up, and the three Fly-People watching us carry new, glowing hot swords to the north, before returning east. The one to the north brings his rod south.

This is clearly a smithing operation, though it is strange that its spread out across at least three rooms.

Mayfly glimpses a particularly large Fly-Person wielding a hammer to the north, banging on swords.

Iron and Tears

We decide to give the smiths some space and go back to the pillared room and go south.

There are doors to the east and west and further along, the hallway branches off to the sides as well.

Blossom listens and hears loud crying to the east and nothing to the west.

We open the door west to reveal a 30' by 20' room filled with crates.

We open the first crate to find it full of bloody, rusted iron rods.

We continue looking through the crates, but only find more iron rods.

After a turn, Poppy, who had been keeping watch, sees a Fly-Person walk around the corner we came from, see us, and turn away sheepishly.

Back to the Village

After a half-hearted, failed attempt to open the door east, to the crying room, we decide to call it for the week, and return back to Nightwick Village.

We return with 1,100sp total, for 137sp each, and we each get 281xp, with our hirelings each gaining a half share. A meager haul, but we also faced few challenges this week. Maybe that will all change next week, as we return to Nightwick Abbey!

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 114 - Two Knights, Trying to Fuck In-Armor

  Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongo...