Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Nightwick Abbey - Session 97 - Not at Home

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 97 - 2nd of Sextember, 1398

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mayfly (Magician 5)

Cherwe (Cleric 5)

Ulf (Magician 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 4)

Poppy (Fighter 4)

Thekla (Magician 3)

Krupe (Cleric 2)

Hexcrawling in the Dark Country

We start today in a ruined manor in the Dark Country, the next day after our previous session. Ulf has somehow caught up to the rest of the party as they get ready to head out.

Yesterday, Thekla used a potion of Control Dragons to send a green dragon to attack the Corbies' nearby castle - we're not particularly fond of the group and they're know to have some magic items we're interested in.

We depart towards the castle in the morning, but as we draw near, a group of armored knights ride out to meet us.

"Oi! Fuck off!" they yell to us.

We see a great black shape laying near the castle - they had apparently downed the dragon without too much difficulty.

Turns out even a dragon can't take on 70+ guys with crossbows. We'll have to do better next time.

Treasure for the Taking

We decide instead to go off in search of the dragon's lair; Thekla managed to get that information from the dragon. We know it's out in the wilderness by the shrine of St. Richard the Prior, which we've been to previously.

We quickly leave the castle and off into the wilderness. We camp out one night uneventfully and continue into the swamp the next morning as a dry heat rolls over the land.

As we travel, Liminal Space finds a badge belonging to the van Toad family in the ground.

We don't see the sign of any nearby bodies or graves, so we continue on.

Around noon, Ulf's horse becomes spooked and bucks him off (3hp damage) before running off!

Cherwe binds Ulf's wounds while the others recover his horse and we continue on without further incident.

Dragon's Envy

A little after noon we again come to the shrine of St. Richard the Prior. Covering the shrine and surrounding areas is the plant hogweed.

Cherwe knows that the sap of the plant would burn us greatly and cause large blisters should it touch our skin.

Mayfly casts fireball upon the area after we move upwind of it, just to be safe.

The plants go up in a giant cloud, with a tiny drop of plant-char landing on Ulf, causing a small pustule to form, but nothing major.

We wait for the area to stop smoking and see a large number of gold coins previously covered by the plants.

Mayfly suspects that the hogweed grew up here because the dragon had been here and this is his hoard. The plants likely sprout up wherever the green dragon, a dragon of envy, resides.

We use our swords, including the most holy Shard of Law, to very carefully chop down the remaining hogweed in the area.

We recover the hoard, in total 4,000 gold coins and 4,000 silver coins! We fill up all of our backpacks, saddlebags, and sacks with the coins and decide to return to Nightwick with our haul. 

Back to Town

After a short while, we see a sizable cairn built up on our path.

Liminal declares that he's going to push the cairn over because they're bad for the environment.

Krupe realizes that this cairn would be very old and likely belonging to somebody Lawful, since they chose to be buried rather then cremated, as is the norm in the area.

We convince Liminal not to tempt fate and risk a curse by pushing over the cairn and we push on, traveling another hex late into the night before making camp.

The night passes uneventfully, and in the morning we continue east onto the road leading to Nightwick.

By the road, we find a tree that has a number of men in poor clothing hanged from it.

We don't recognize anyone - so they're probably not from Nightwick Village, but they're all dressed in Bogdani clothing, from the local populace.

Home Again

By noon, we have arrived in the village of Nightwick with our haul intact!

We each get receive 500gp, 500sp, and 5,500xp from the treasure in the dragon's hoard! - Possibly our biggest haul yet. 

Ulf, among others, levels up and learns Lightning Bolt.

Thekla levels up and learns Phantasmal Force.

We got to bed dreaming of what we'll do with this influx of cash and begin concocting plans to bribe the Bishop of Lychgate to make Liminal Space the new Lord of Nightwick.

This session really illustrates the nature of treasure in old-school rpgs. We got the information about the dragon's hoard and eliminated it last session and this week we were able to walk in and take his treasure. We just had to be a little clever and remember what was on our character sheets and what was on the map to get success.


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Nightwick Abbey - Session 114 - Two Knights, Trying to Fuck In-Armor

  Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongo...