Friday, November 1, 2024

Nightwick Abbey - Session 101 - Now You're Thinking With Gas

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 101 - 31st of Shocktober, 1398

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mayfly (Magician 5 Cleric 1)

Ulf (Magician 5)

Liminal Space (Changeling 5)

Cherwe (Cleric 5)

Krupe (Cleric 5)

Hirelings: Niklaus (Fighter 2), Helusch (Magician 2)

Downtime in the Village

Mayfly, after a particularly bad bout of carousing, claims to have repented of his ways and now serves the God of Law as a level 1 cleric.

Ulf also buys a shield for his hireling Niklaus and commissions a suit of plate armor to be made for him as well, hoping to improve his survivability.

Into the Abbey

The party leaves early in the morning, through the Fog-bound forest.

A local forest-dwelling ranger is in the middle of placing turnips, carved out with candles in them, all around the hilltop which conceals the abbey.

Mayfly takes one out of curiosity and the ranger shoots him a dirty look as we enter the entrance to level 3.

Into Places Deeper

Ulf lights up an actual torch to provide light and the party quickly makes their way through level 3 to advance down to level 4.

We continue through level 4 to where we ended last week's delve - leaving us in a 50' by 60' room where a battle once took place.

Our exploration for the week.

There is a passageway west and doors north and south.

Liminal Space and Blossom listen at the north door and hear nothing - forcing open the door we find a 30' by 20' room with a door opposite us.

Trouble in Statue Form

Against the right wall is what appears to be a way shrine for pilgrims.

It features a statue of a long-haired man in contemporary looking armor, wearing a jupon with the Sword Brothers' crest.

He has sharp teeth and is painted to have very pale skin.

A black, shadowy thing(?) wraps around him and terminates in little arms and a woman's head.

The shadowy shape appears to be rusted and, as we inspect it, Blossom sees movement among the rust. 

An eye opens up among the rust, but, as she tries to point it out to us, none of us see the eye.

Liminal sarcastically calls out to the eye, "Hello statue, I'm Liminal and I hear you wanna be friends with me."

He doesn't see an eye, but he notices a lip on the metal at the base of his statue are tiny carved figures of the Sword Brothers kneeling in prayer or devotion.

We decide to attempt to pry the statue off its base and hand the crowbar to Niklaus to get to work.

Trap, Monster, Treasure? We Can't Even Tell Anymore

As he puts crow to base, rust flowers out across the statue, eyes then sprout out and burst into horseflies

The crowbar is now mostly eaten up by rust and useless.

The rust keeps dissolving the statue and it falls over, spawning more horse flies

We retreat south to the previous room while Blossom pulls a backup crowbar from her pack.

Liminal also apologizes to her for not believing her about seeing eyes.

More Exploring, Totally Safe

We go west down a 20' by 20' hallway into a 30' by 40' room.

It contains doors to the north and south with six pillars adorning the room.

Blossom finds that the pillars all have small holes in them pointing into the interior of the room

Liminal pokes the areas where the holes point to with a 10' pole and, sure enough, quick puffs of white gas shoot out at that spot as the floor depresses.

As the gas disperses, we back up to the previous room and decide to check out the southern door.


However, blocking our way back to the room are nine armored, undead figures.

Liminal uses his magical amulet (which I forgot he even has) to turn the group as a 7th level cleric, which destroys the group instantly!

Battle Over!

However, the abbey reacts and we hear a distant grinding as something rearranges itself.

Hopefully our route out is unaffected.

We proceed to open the southern door with the backup crowbar to reveal another 30' by 20' room.

It has a grate in the center of the room with what looks like dried blood around it.

There are doors to the south and west.


Mayfly drops his turnip-lantern through the grate, narrowly avoiding slipping on the wet floor.

It only falls a few feet down onto what looks like a pipe running under the floor.

As Mayfly backs up to return to the party, he notices the pipe's filled with a luminous green gas.

We return to the trap room, but get the feeling that we're being watched.

As we are walking down the hallway, Niklaus and Helusch cry out and we see, floating above them, single-eyed humanoids wearing white bridal gowns. One is latched onto Niklaus's neck like a leech.

The Dracula of Brides

The other swoops at Helusch, but misses while the first begins to suck out his blood - taking half his hit points!

Mayfly attempts to turn them, but as a level 1 cleric he can't turn shit.

Cherwe strikes at one with a silver mace and Blossom hides behind a pillar to perform a sneak attack as well, which kills the creature, bursting in an explosion of blackened, oxygen deprived blood.

Ulf and Helusch both cast Light upon the remaining creature, blinding it.

We strike at it with our weapons but we fail to kill it and the next round it turns into a luminous green gas and floats away.

Cherwe binds Niklaus's wounds and we move on.

Lotta Gas This Week

The gas has all but dissipated from the western room as we walk around the edge to the northern door. There is a faint foul smell in the air.

Liminal forces open the door to reveal a 30' by 20' room with another grate in the floor. There are doors north and west out of the room. 

As we look on, we see a luminous gas pass under the grate very quickly.

We go to the western door and listen at it, but hear " hear nothing," the DM tells us unconvincingly.

Nice Hallway, Very Normal

Liminal opens the door to reveal a 30' corridor

Blossom checks it for traps and sees that the walls of the corridor are very rusted and pitted and notices two holes by the floor at the head of the hallway where eyes are looking out at us.

Mayfly tosses a silver piece in between the eyes, but nothing appears to happen.

Liminal pokes an eye with a 10' pole and the walls fly up, revealing corridors beyond, and two large bull-headed men covered in boiling blood.

As one of them swipes at us with its claw, we start running away and decide to keep running all the way out of the abbey.

Back to the Village

Fortunately, our path home remained unobstructed and we return to the village safely.

This session, we each earned 250xp and no silver.

Will Mayfly come to his [evil] senses and embrace dark magic again? Will the party ever find level 5? Will one of the magicians finally find a use for Phantasmal Force? Tune in next time, to Nightwick Abbey!

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 114 - Two Knights, Trying to Fuck In-Armor

  Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongo...