Saturday, February 1, 2025

Nightwick Abbey - Session 109 - "An Invisible Woman Wants to Keep You As A Pet"


Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 109 - 25th of Unodecember, 1398

This week's adventurers:

Gerung Floating Disk (Magician 3)

Noor (Magician 1)

Persnickety (Changeling 1)

Chamberpot Ulfson (Fighter 1) 

Spruche (Fighter 1)

Euphemia (Ranger 1) 

Heertz Doonit (Changeling 1)

Hirelings: Dompnig

Previously On...

Last week, the party was charged by a strange priest, Brother Noj of Ross to help him retake his swamp castle and the shrine to the Lady therein.

A ragtag, low-level group of would-be adventurers set out on his charge and made it to the castle, where an invisibility spell on a rogue was used to scout out the interior.

After Pataki relayed what she saw inside, including the dreadful Ogre, the party spent an uneventful night staking out the bandit's fortress.

A New Day Dawns

In the morning, adventure calls Pataki and Blanda the Frogling away but two new adventurers catch up to the group, fresh from Nightwick Village, Spruch the Fighter, one of Mayfly's hirelings, sent by him to assist and Euphemia, a ranger.

Early in the morning, just at dawn, as Euphemia takes watch, she notices four men enter the castle and four men leave the castle, dressed in bandit's garb. A changing of guards, perhaps? 

The bandits coming into the castle carry amongst them a large barrel.

Hot on the Trail

We decide to ambush the ones leaving the castle for the swamp, let by our trusty Ranger.

We track them out of the marsh, to the road north leading to Vollage.

As we leave the marsh, before we hit the main road, the bandits take notice of us and call out to Euphemia to stop, holding their bows at attention.

As the rest of the party catches up to her, she explains to the bandits that we are another outlaw group, looking for allies in taking out a shipment headed this way from the Bishop.

The Old Razzle-Dazzle

As they huddle to discuss this offer, Persnickety drops them all with a Sleep spell.

From Pataki's description, we recognize these four as the same four that she saw last night, we figure the smaller, scrawnier of the bunch was the one being bullied.

We strip them down and tie them up before proceeding, going through their belongings.

We find 7 silver pieces, not much, and each has a silver necklace bearing the symbol of an eye on fire, which Spruche and Gerung remember as a symbol of cultists from the Abbey.

We take their armor and clothing, all in varying colors of brown and black, and disperse it amongst ourselves, hoping to disguise ourselves as cultists to sneak into the castle.

Brother Noj is insistent we kill the evil cultists, Diabolis he calls them, but Euphemia convinces him that we need to interrogate them first, to learn more of their evil plans.

We Can Fix Him

We slap awake the small, bullied one, and ask him his deal. He gives us a long sad life story that led him to working a dead-end job as a bandit and quickly gives up info about the castle in exchange for his life.

The bandit, Hartnid, we learn his name is, tells us that Sir Robin, the bandit chief, resides on the 2nd floor of the castle and that various Beastmen reside there with him. 

Robin can apparently communicate with the Beastmen through a magic ring he possesses.

This bit of news perks up several ears among the party.

According to Hartnid, Sir. Robin gets visions through his service to the Lady (the Lady of the Church, or some other lady, we wonder?) and by giving up his eye. It is one such vision that led him and his band to the castle.

Finally, we think to ask what was in the large barrel that was brought into the castle this morning and he tells us: a great deal of treasure, stolen from passing travelers. 

A New Friend For Us

Chamberpot recalls how Pataki expressed great pity for this lowly, bullied bandit, and wants to spare him to offer him up to her as a hireling.

The party presents this offer, employment to Pataki, to Hartnid the Bandit as an alternative to execution by Brother Noj and he heartily agrees.

Noj executes the other three bandits and we return to the castle to stake it out another night.

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 111 - I See What the Problem is, You've Got Evil Under the Floorboards

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here a...