Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Nightwick Abbey - Session 61 - Robbing the (Thieves and Assassins)

Previously, in the Sewers of Nightwick...

Session 61 - 29th of Leftember, 1392

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 5)

Mayfly (Magician 4)

Cherwe (Cleric 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 3)

Verinka (Changeling 3)

Ulf (Magician 3) 

Franz Croakenbell (Frogling 1)

Hirelings: Menczel

No Downtime, Straight to Action

We last left of intrepid adventurers when they had come face to face with the three Anticlerics of the Brotherhood (of Thieves and Assassins) during our negotiations for the Blindfold of St. Candace. This week, we picked up straight away, so no downtime activities this week.

The Anticlerics come sloshing up the grey water in their profane robes and skull masks. The middlest of the three addresses Mayfly.

"So. Mayfly," the figure points at him, "You wish to trade."

"Yes, by the will of Armadeus," the magician replies.

"We hear you have an item that may be of interest to us."

Mayfly raises up the enchanted eye and presents it to them. The movements of its pupil glimmer in the torchlight.

The Anticlerics seem suspicious, but open to the trade.

"No, Mayfly, you can't possibly trade that!" - Liminal exclaims, hamming it up to make the eye look more valuable.

The Anticlerics seem doubtful as Mayfly cannot prove its power and want to know where we found out about the blindfold. Blossom is currently invisible and trying to sneak away to find the blindfold for herself. Unfortunately, even invisible people make noise walking through water.

Ulf tramps forward through the water to provide a distraction for Blossom to sneak around, "Oh Mayfly, though they doubt you, I do not. Carve out my eye and put it in. I seek the power of Armadeus."

Cherwe notices something off about their voices - their masks seems to have a voice changing effect and Blossom sneaks down the sewer during the distraction but finds a closed door blocking her way.

Who's That Cleric?

"Gentlemen, I think it is time for these negotiations to have a snack period," Liminal Space exclaims.

They seem amicable to Liminal's suggestion (thanks in part to a good reaction roll - Charisma is the goated stat in this campaign) and the Anticlerics send some guards off to fetch food while Blossom follows off behind.

This leaves the rest of us awkwardly standing in some grey water, waiting for them to return. Eventually, the Anticlerics seem to notice the cleric Cherwe.

"You there," says one of the Anticlerics, pointing at Cherwe.

"Me?" replies Ulf.


"Me?" replies Liminal.

"No, you there."

"Me?" says Cherwe at last.

"Yes, come hither."

The Anticlerics recognize Cherwe as one who fights against the evils of Nightwick and announce as much, demanding to know why she travels with us.

Liminal explains that he enthralled her under a spell to fight against the forces of good, isn't that funny?

The Anticlerics suggest casting Detect Magic to determine the truth of his claim.

Mayfly steps up to "help" them by offering illumination and casts Light on Cherwe's vestments, so that they might better see her. The Anticlerics grow angry that now Detect Magic will be useless on her.

Mayfly apologizes for his "mistake," but assures them that he meant no foul play because the forces of Armadeus can trust each other.

The third Anticleric, who has yet to speak, speaks up, "Actually not, that's like their whole thing."

Blossom the Sneaky Sneak

This whole time, Blossom has been following the guards sent to fetch food back into their lair. She manages to follow behind them silently and makes it into their storeroom. After they have gathered food supplies, she rummages around quickly, finding several chests full of coins, which she ignores, before finding a small wooden box - opening it, she finds the blindfold! She quickly slips out of the room and follows the guards back to the front, where we're waiting. The guards present their food for us to eat, and Blossom, still invisible, tugs on Mayfly's robes, signaling to him that she has the blindfold. He makes this known to the rest of us through some subtle eye contact and quick nods.

We're now tasked with a new problem - we can't let this deal go through or they will realize that we've stolen from them. Therefore, Liminal instead offers to sell them the eye for 5,000sp.

They agree and pay in a mix of silver and copper coins and, with some struggle, we carry it out of the sewer and into the night.

Getting the Hell Outta Here

We're now out in the city late at night (past curfew) after having just robbed the Brotherhood (of Thieves and Assassins). We debate spending the night at the Brazen Strumpet, the nicer inn in town, but decide we'd feel safer outside of the city walls.

We surreptitiously move through the streets, across the river bisecting the city, and bribe the gate guards (20sp each) to let us out. We spend the night with the van Toads overnight. In the morning, we get them to exchange our coins to gold, leaving us with 483gp, 69gp each, after the bribes. We also buy some ponies for the rest of the party (including our hirelings) for 385sp.

Somehow, after having cheated the Brotherhood (of Thieves and Assassins), Nightwick feels like the safest place for us at the moment, so we return there.

We've Got Time To Kill So Let's Just Fuck Around In Nightwick Abbey

6th of Quintember, 1392

The journey back to Nightwick takes 2 days (arriving on the 1st of Quintember) and we rest a few days until the 6th of Quintember. It is early yet in the session, so we decide to delve back into the hell-haunted halls of Nightwick Abbey.

We purchase 6 flasks of oil and lard made by the van Crisco toad house from the local traders in preparation.

For this delve, we bring the hirelings: Menczel, Gerung, and Bero.

We decide to go to level three through the graveyard entrance, where the two angel statues lie in wait.

All Oiled Up

We pour oil on the statues and lay lard all around them in preparation for a fight. To activate the statues, we simply step out of the room and they step off of their pedestals and immediately slip on the lard. Our torchlight isn't strong enough to illuminate them from where we stand, but there's no mistaking the sound of them falling down.

Mayfly casts Fireball on the closest statue. It makes its save but still takes 15 damage thanks to the oil and Ulf follows up with a Magic Missile, killing it.

A Battle Won With Competence

The other angel statue clanks and clunks around in the dark but is unable to stand up.

Liminal, with his infravision, hits it with an arrow and Ulf casts Light in an attempt to illuminate the area where the statue is, but doesn't cast it far enough and the statue still isn't visible to the humans.

Mayfly casts Web in front of the light to stop any movement towards the party and we advance slowly as the statue still can't stand up.

Franz grabs a torch, hops to the statue, and throws a torch on it. It lights up but is able to stand up on its next turn and stumbles into the web, which starts to burn as well.

Liminal and Verinka each land a hit on it with their bows and the fire kills it.

Ulf collects a piece of a statue for later study and inspects the base of the statues. He pokes at one with his staff and feels a tingling in his hands from poking it.

The Bone Zone

The party reforms and we head north, out of the room, into an ossuary, lined with bones and skulls.

As we step into the ossuary, the skulls on the shelves start chattering, making a might clatter and we see a number of robed figures hovering a couple of inches off the ground floating towards us, alerted to our presence.

We form a chokepoint in the ossuary room and shoot one down with missiles. Ulf kills another with a Magic Missile.

One of the beings cackles and scratches Menczel across the face. Another rips out Bero's esophagus, killing him instantly.

Franz uses his magic sword to split one's head open like a rotten apple and questionable liquids pour out, pooling on the ground.

Ulf hits one with his final Magic Missile, but it's still standing and cackling at the group.

Menczel is hit again, but is somehow still alive.

Just The Absolute Most Incompetent Lads

The next round, we make 5 melee attacks and all miss!

Franz is hit for 4 points of damage as one of the robed figures gets a claw in through the helmet. - the brave frogling is left at 1 hit point!

Ulf casts his Magic Missile scroll on one of the robed figures and Verinka hits one, killing it, while Franz retreats to the second rank.

The front two foes focus on Cherwe, who is in plate with Protection from Evil, and fail to hit her for several rounds. Franz hits one and Cherwe kills another - two of the horrid undead remain!

The last two are killed after 19 rounds of fighting. We had a lot of missed attacks. An absolutely embarassing amount. This is what we get for not bringing Mechtilde.

Franz and Menczel are healed up and have their wounds bound and we find 4sp among the bodies. Taking Bero's body with us, we rapidly depart from Nightwick Abbey for the week to rest and heal up.

Back In The Village

We each gain 86xp

Treasure gained: Magic Blindfold, 5,000sp

Losses: Bero (hireling)


  1. Play reports (specially Henchman Abuse) were what drew me back to old RPGs in 2011, and it's so nice to see the tradition continuing.

    These feel so wonderful as well - a real game in the tradition of what I call "procedural dungeon crawling" these days - problems to solve over multiple delves, faction intrigue, dangerous combat and the fundamental change in play when you have 3rd level spells.

    Thanks for keeping this up. WD let me know about it btw.

  2. I'm glad you read it. Your blog helped get me interested in megadungeons in the first place!

    The "procedural" parts of the campaign have definitely been my favorite parts. We've spent at least 2 sessions recovering magic swords that *we* lost in the abbey. Metaknowledge has been some of our best treasure - new routes around the abbey, dangerous areas made safer, learning the best way to deal with certain enemies.


Nightwick Abbey - Session 111 - I See What the Problem is, You've Got Evil Under the Floorboards

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here a...