Saturday, July 22, 2023

Nightwick Abbey - Session 63 - 30 Seconds in Hell

Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Session 63 - 20th of Quintember, 1392

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 5)

Mayfly (Magician 4)

Mechtilde (Fighter 4)

Liminal Space (Changeling 3)

Yevegniy the Coward (Cleric 3)

Ulf (Magician 3)

Herk (Fighter 1)

Hirelings: Grumbletoe (Dwarf 1), Ditl (Cleric 1), Haug

Downtime in the Village

Liminal Space and Mayfly spend the week carousing. Liminal feasted on food, gaining 300xp and a point of constitution. Mayfly studies, but his research blows his mind, and he loses 800xp in the process!

Ulf translates runes on the amulet we discoverd last week - he identifies it as an amulet against scrying. He offers it to Mayfly, as it makes sense to protect the mind of our strongest Magician, but he's worried that it might disrupt his connection to the Master (the golden skull he carries around and sometimes talks to/yells at). We honestly forget about the amulet after that and leave it home for the adventure.

Rumors in the South

We also recieve news from the south! A trickle of knights and crossbowmen, only a few, arrive in Nightwick village from Knightpath in the south. They tell tales of a peasant rebellion against the lord there. Lord Eckhard, Lord of Nightwick, grew outraged at this news and could be heard screaming in rage from the Medusa's Head tavern, despite the usual drunken revelry there. He has gathered together his own knights and the members of the Badder's Boys, a mercanary company he keeps in his employ, to go supress the rebellion in Knightpath.

New Hirelings!

Two of the crossbowmen from Knightpath offer us their services as hirelings. One, Elgast, has lost an arm in the rebellion but wields a falchion. He and his partner, Haug, offer up their services and are hired by Ulf and Blossom, respectively.

Into the Abbey

We return to the 3rd level this week, deciding to explore past the doggy door to the ossuary.

As we retrace our steps from last week, Yevegniy recognizes the area as styled after a primitive monastery.

Herk, in his first delve into the Abbey, marvels at the weirdness of everything around him.

We return to the room of St. God. Mechtilde attempts to force open the door to the room with a crowbar, but fails, and purple goo sprays out over Ditl and Grumbletoe. Liminal Space effortlessly opens the door after this.

The Tomb of St. God

The door opens to reveal the tomb of St. God, with murals depicting the God of Law as a precocious child, same as last week. Again, this is all very blasphamous, but our cleric Yevegniy is not too offended, as his idea of God is a cube, not a sphere like this one.

Mayfly leads us through the flap at the back of the sarcophagus and we enter into an ossuary, filled with femurs. A single door sits on the south wall of the room.

The Bone Zone

Blossom goes first into the room and checks the walls room for traps, but finds nothings. The rest follow into the room, avoiding the center of the room just to be safe.

Liminal attempts to force open the door in the south wall of the ossuary, but fails, and Mechtilde, Herk, Grumbletoe, and Ditl ALL get covered in slime. We think we hear a snickering echo through the halls beyond the door - is it coming from the abbey itself?

Herk manages to force the door open, revealing a 4-way intersection. Blossom and Liminal see movement to the south in the darkness beyond our torchlight.

Exploring Level Three

We go west, thinking that we can find a route back to the entrance room. Blossom checks the door and feels heat radiating from it. She whips her hand back and hears crying from the other side of the door - surely fire babies are on the other side.

Fuck that, we go east and come across an empty ossuary, with a little bit of mummia left on the shelves. A goopy, white, ropey substance is all over the shelves (it's ectoplasm - definitely ectoplasm) in a not-quite-spiderweb pattern.

We Finally Stop And Ask For Directions

We remember that Mechtilde carries a magical sword that can detect metals. So, she uses her magic sword, Dhinron, to detect any Silver around us, and picks up some to the southwest. She then detects Gold to the southwest as well, so we turn back west to the junction and head south.

There are two doors in this hallway (east and west) which continues onward into the darkness.

Blossom listens at the east door and hears whispering. She also hears chanting coming down the hall, which promptly stops.

A New Friend?

Mechtilde forces the door open. Most of the party is too far back in the hallway to see what's inside, but they all hear Grumbletoe gasp.

"Old dangole - ohmygawd," he exclaims.

The front line of the party sees a great hulking shape, covered in black fur. It waves a great furry paw at us as if to say "go away."

Liminal, who's never met a horrible monster who he didn't like, senses he is needed and steps forward.

"Sorry to bother you sir," he says, "but I am a weary traveller and I hear you have some interesting wares."

The great beast turns to face us. It has several mouths on its chest and eyes where its nipples should be and a giant, crow-like head. In its other hand, it's holding a giant firepoker, the size of a longsword.

"Thou art Liminal, yes?" the beast growls.

"You know me?" Liminal blushes.

"Too well. You have given up the only thing of value...You have given of yourself to Orobas."

The beast is stooped over a sarcophagus, seemingly doing something with its contents, and turns away from Liminal, clearly not interested in him.

Low-Quality Demons

Liminal makes a dramatic exit, upset at being rebuffed, but Ulf is intrigued and moves up to get a good look at the creature.

It resembles the thing he saw in his house, but this one looks different.

Now getting a good look at it, Ulf realizes that the creatures are both demons of hell - Knights of Armadeus.

Ulf is disappointed that it isn't a higher ranking demon, these ones only sit just above the Lowest of the Low, and he closes the door to let the demon do its work.

Ulf realizes he's being watched and sees the hem of a black cloak and a black shoe in the darkness to the south before it backs away.

We debate attacking the demon and Ulf informs the party of the peeper.

Bog Standard Cultists

A group of men wielding maces appear to the south out of the darkness, but do not attack.

"Who art thou who is not slain by the beast who appears in yon room," one of them calls out.

Liminal Space responds on behalf of the group, "Oh don't worry about it, he's a buddy of ours. What's your name."

"I won't fall for that."

He bows to them, "Well I'm Liminal and we seek the gold skeleton of the Master of the castle and I have cool wares to sell."

"The Master of the Castle?"

Was It Something I Said?

The masked figures nod to one another and rush at us, attacking.

Three men run up to the front rank with maces and go after Grumbletoe and Liminal Space, but fortnately all miss their attacks.

At least two more figures stand in the back, watching on.

I Learned How To Play Old-School Role-Playing Games From Tumblr Posts

Grumbletoe retreats back and Mechtilde takes his place at the front line.

Mechtilde absolutely whifs her first ever attack as a level 4 fighter.

Liminal Space steps up and casts Hypnotism, bringing three of the masked men under his spell.

He orders them to make out with each other. He does this so that they take off their masks. Not for any other reason.

As they start making out, Ulf casts Magic Missile on the frontmost guy.

As one of the guys starts taking off his leather mask to make out with his companion, they're engulfed in a sticky Web which Mayfly casts over them.

Why Can't We Ever Have Evil Clerics In The Party

The frontmost guy appears to be casting a spell - he touches Liminal with his hands, casting Inflict Wounds, harming Liminal for 7 points of damage, as a deep bruise appears on his arm.

Mechtilde mightly strikes him, hitting him for 11 damage! But he is still alive, but bleeding profusely through his mouth.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?!?" Mechtilde cries out.

Grumbletoe stabs the guy with a spear from the second rank and finishes him off.

We're able to kill the ones in the web safely with our spears, by which point the ones in the back finish making out, realize that they're vastly outnumbered, and run away.

The one dead guy not in the web has 20gp on him.

Another Tomb

We open the door in the west side of the hallway and there's a single sarcophagus, with an image of a knight in older armor.

His legs are crossed in the style of a crusader but his arms are also crossed. They're crossed, however, as if they have been broken out of place in a way that would be excruciatingly painful for a real person.

Blossom cautiously enters the room and inspects the sarcophagus.

As she studies it, she touches the lid, but immediately jerks it away as she feels something about the lid pulling her hand towards the lid. She jerks her hand away, but still takes 8 points of magical harm, as the sarcophagus attempts to jerk her arm out of place.

Good Night, Sweet Prince

Liminal takes the crowbar and tries to pry the lid open, but fails and accidentally touches the lid in the process. His arm is ripped back and jerked out of place. It collides into his ribcage with such force as to cause damage. He takes 9 damage in the process and drops to the floor, dead!

Mechtilde uncerimoninally takes the crowbar from Liminal's dead body and forces open the lid. It drops to the floor with a heavy thud and inside is a desiccated corpse, its limb torn apart.

Finally, Some Treasure!

It is wearing a fine silk surcoat of the Sword Brothers and a fine velvet hat, worth 3,000sp total.

We consider taking the lid of the sarcophagus to weaponize it, but table that dumb idea for another day.

We cut our losses and leave the abbey without futher incident.

Each of us gets 511xp and the party recovers 3200sp total (492 each).

Gerung (Liminal's hireling) takes up Liminal's place in our party - as he becomes a PC, he learns the spell Invisibility.

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Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here a...