Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...
Do the horrors of Nightwick Intrigue you? Do you seek adventures on isles distant? Miranda, the Mastermind of Malevolence behind Nightwick Abbey is running another open campaign: set in the last bastion of a famed wizard, Cuccagna awaits you!
Session 84 - 22nd of Duodecember, 1397
This week's adventurers:
Blossom (Rogue 6)
Mechtilde (Fighter 5)
Ulf (Magician 4)
Liminal Space (Changeling 4)
Krupe (Cleric 3)
Voorhis (Cleric 3)
Poppy (Fighter 3)
Thekla (Magician 1)
Hirelings: Niklaus (Fighter 1), Assmann (Fighter 1)
Downtime in the Village
Ulf spends his downtime researching and discovers rumors that within Nightwick Abbey there is a portal to the ruins of Ancient Acheron - the first human civilization.
Liminal Space also trades the demon's smoke we recovered last week to Halfdan the Necromancer for a Potion of Rat Control. He promises us 500sp if we find out whether or not it works on the rat-crow Groans that we've encountered before.
Into The Abbey
This week, we decide to continue our exploration of level 3, still not feeling confident enough to return to level 4.
We enter through the graveyard entrance and travel to the far end of level 3. We loosely have a plan to go to the statue of Valax, Duke of Hell, and steal his crown (again) to sell it.
Outside of his room, first, we decide to explore north. In this next room, the walls are covered in green and purple carvings of hell depicting sinners being tortured. We see Mayfly, Mechtilde, and Liminal Space all carved into the wall for having sold their secrets to demons in the past.