Sunday, March 2, 2025

Nightwick Abbey - Session 111 - I See What the Problem is, You've Got Evil Under the Floorboards

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 111 - 26th of Unodecember, 1398

This week's adventurers:

Gerung Floating Disk (Magician 3)

Pataki (Rogue 2)

Noor (Magician 1)

Spruche (Fighter 1)

Blanda (Frogling Cleric 1/Thief 1)

Persnickety (Changeling 1)

Chamberpot Ulfson (Fighter 1) 

Sorrel (Ranger 1)

Heertz Doonit (Changeling 2)

Hirelings: Hartnid

Assault on the Castle

We spend the night in the castle after our fight, resting from our long fight.

Throughout the night, several of us are tormented by nightmares, of unspeakable horrors committed by the Sword Brothers in days gone past and of the very walls around us infested with eyeballs, watching us.

Taking Stock

In the morning, we take our time rounding up the loot across the first and second floors of the castle.

We find (along with their listed values):

  • A valuable tapestry depicting the Lady (500sp)
  • A fancy table (250sp)
  • A barrel of salt pork (2 weeks of rations for 1 person)
  • 25sp in coins among the dead bandits
  • A decorative doublet from Nun's Head (discussed last session)
  • A bag containing 5 moonstone cabochons (gems) (250sp)
  • A basket of steel bars (250sp)
  • A set of decorative bronze kitchen ware (250sp)
  • 500 silver coins in a basket
  • A crystal decanter in the shape of  a basilisk (300sp)
  • 5 bags containing 500cp each (250sp)
  • A wery small lockbox containing 25gp (250sp)
  • A ring, made of silver,  with a tiny barb on the inside, on the hand of Sir Robin the Lawless.
  • A set of plate armor, also on the corpse of Sir Robin.
  • An alabaster alterpiece, found at the top of the keep, in a chapel room, turned upside down and desecrated. (???)

We (and confirmed by Hartnid) think the ring is what allows him to talk to beastmen. Gerung immediately puts on the ring.

The ring is not magically affixed to him and he can remove it freely - so its not cursed, good.

Spruche takes the plate armor and gives his chain to Chamberpot

Sorrel take up Sir Robin's bejeweled sword. We can tell it's magical, but we're not sure of its effect yet. Sorrel can just tell it's not cursed.

Deeper Delving

Having gathered this loot with no idea how we'll bring it all back to the village, we descend downstairs into the basement.

There's a short hallway ending in a wide room containing two sarcophagi - everything unchanged from yesterday. One smashed open and the other piled over with wood.

There's a blocked off passageway - a collapsed doorway filled in with rubble - to our west.

The fey lady is still down here. We try to ask her if she needs help but is unable to respond beyond gesturing at the blocked off doorway.

Noor examines the rocks forming the barricade and notices purple pustules reminiscent of objects found in Nightwick Abbey.

Heertz at this time realizes that something about the sword Euphemia is wielding feels off to him.

Exploring the Basement

Before unblocking the doorway, and we're definitely not stalling because we're scared of it, we clear the wood pile off the sarcophagus.

Inside we find bones, patches of the robes of a Sword Brother (the sect who built Nightwick Abbey and this castle).

Most of the sarcophagus is missing and we think its stone was used to block off the door.

The Horrors Below

With nothing else to check down here, we finally remove the rubble blocking the door.

Pataki checks the cleared door for traps and pries the door open.

Beyond it we find a natural-looking cavern.

A decorated pillar stands in the room with a sarcophagus beyond it. Its lid is covered in lit candles.

Throw Spear First, Ask Questions Later

As we stand in the threshold of the room, we hear the voice of an old man.

"Ahhhh, ohhhh," as an old man turns a corner and enters into the room, holding a candle.

Gerung remembers this man from our dreams - in it he was laughing and torturing people.

Spruche immediately throws a spear at him and Gerung follows up with a silver dagger.

The spear passes through him but the dagger hits and as it does, the man changes form into a horrid fleshy beast, still retaining his hair and facial features.

Never Leave Your Silver Weapons at Home

The old man, bows his head and chants a spell. When he raises his head he has grown the beak and talons of a ghoul!

Sorrel strikes him with her magic sword and the creature shrieks out.

Blanda attempts to turn the beast but fails. However, the walls do begin to ooze purple slime.

Sorrel misses with her sword and the beast slashes at her, wounding her terribly but leaving her alive.

Next round, it wins initiative and bites into Sorrel. It is a tremendous wound and her shield arm is broken but she is not dead.

She responds by cleaving its head off with another stroke of her sword, killing the beast.

Sorrel goes to the back of the party and lets Chamberpot use the magic sword for now.

More Guests?

Heertz hears a scream from the 1st floor. - Hartnid?

We rush up to the ogre's bedroom to find Hartnid surrounded by a bunch of Brownies, short bear-like fey creatures.

They demand to see their lady with threats and we quickly take them back to the basement.

Down there, they run up to her and lend their assistance.

After checking on her and a short conversation, they rush into the cavern that we came out of to take care of the threat, which is still active, even after the death of the old man. 

We follow with them to assist.

It's A Really Threatening Pillar

The go down the path the first creature came from, into another small rocky room with a sarcophagus and a pillar. 

They start attacking the pillar, looking for something described as a "thorn" in their lady's side.

Doubtful that the stone pillar is it, we keep searching.

There's a door north of us, which we force open, to reveal a 10' by 10' room with a desiccated corpse hung up.

A New Entry in the List of Grossest Things We've Encountered in this Campaign

The corpse is wearing an article of clothing covered in eyes which all turn to look at us.

Blanda takes her sword to attempt to lift the eye parka (?) off the corpse.

The eyes track her as she does so and she sees a naked corpse beneath it.

She also notices that the clothing is in fact entirely made of eyes, somehow sewn together.

She full sends and attempts to remove the piece of clothing and put it on.

This Doesn't Even Count as a Trap, idk what you expected to happen...

As she wears it, the Frogling instantly becomes desiccated, like a corpse, and begins shambling towards us.

Its big Frogish mouth begins to turn into a beak and Chamberpot hits it with the magical sword, for a measly two damage.

Persnickety steps up with Gerung's silver dagger to assist, but misses her attack.

The brownies and Spruche and Sorrel, who were examining the pillar, take notice of the sound and begin to come to our aid as Chamberpot kills the beast with his next strike.

Thorn Removal

Gerung thinks the artifact is infused with the power of Asmodia Queen of Hell.

He takes back his silver dagger and stabs one of the eyes on the parka.

It sizzles and he gets the sense that all the remaining eyes on the parka are mad at him and hate him.

Chamberpot joins in with the magic sword and soon all the eyes are poked out and a cheer erupts from the Brownies.

We return to the lady and find her recovering, feeling relief but still weak.

A New Ally?

Strengthened, she's able to tell us more about herself and this place.

She reveals that she's the spirit of this place, not the keep, but the land beneath and around it.

She had charmed the priest, but the evils of Asmodia interfered with her powers and caused him to go mad and locked her in the box.

We offer to either consecrate the building to the Old Gods or burn down the keep and she agrees to both - burn it all down first and then consecrate the ruins to her.

While we debate how to get our treasure back, Spruche declares fealty to the lady, but she declares that she can only accept her fealty once he visits the White Lady and declares fealty to her.

Noor casts Read Magic upon the magic sword and learns its name: Elf-Splitter, +3 vs elves.

The Lady agrees to keep our treasure safe for us while we go to nearby Vollage for a cart and return.

We manage to make the trip without incident.

We each get 469xp each and 443sp, 8cp each from the treasure.

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 111 - I See What the Problem is, You've Got Evil Under the Floorboards

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here a...