Friday, March 21, 2025

Nightwick Abbey - Session 114 - Two Knights, Trying to Fuck In-Armor


Previously, in Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 114 - 20th of Primes. 1399

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mayfly (Magician 6)

Ulf (Magician 5)

Liminal Space (Changeling 5)

Thekla (Magician 5)

Poppy (Fighter 5)

Yevgeney the Coward (Cleric 4)

Hirelings: Hanslo, Glogryan Glassy-eye

Downtime in the Village

Ulf, after weeks of study, has learned the spell Fly, which is surely the most useful 3rd level spell for the party to know at this moment.

Liminal Space hires a new hireling, Glogryan, a brigand who comes with a gambison and short sword.

An old friend returns this week as noble Yevgeney the Coward has come to return to Nightwick.

Into the Abbey

We set out to return to level 4, taking our familiar route through level 3, down the floating staircase into the depths of the dungeon.

As soon as we set foot on the floor, we hear a loud buzzing coming from the north.

The landing room in 30' square, with a desecrated baptismal font, doors west and south, and a dead end passageway north.

Fly and Let Fly

We go to the north-east corner of the room to investigate the hallway.

There, we see a 20' hallway, with 2 niches and 4 man-sized flies (not flymen).

They are vomiting up stuff onto the two carved faces in the niches that are trapped.

The Dungeon Keeps the Score

We decide to leave them be and go south, to the hallway from last week.

It turns out the Continual Darkness spell is...well..continual and the hallway is still dark from last time. 

In case you missed it, last week, we were ambushed by some undead who cast Continual Darkness upon us. We dealt with the undead, but their magic remained behind.

We need Continual Light or Dispel Magic, which none of us currently know, to get rid of the darkness so we go around and to the south.

Mapping New Territory

Passing past the Fly-Man area, we go further south to some new doors we've mapped out but haven't explored.

Our plan is to explore other parts of the floor until we come up with a way to deal with the darkness spell.

We could feel our way though, but we would be vulnerable to any horrors lurking within.

Hopefully we can petition Mayfly's mentor, Halfdan the Necromancer, for a scroll to help us.

Standard Gross Shit

We continue south, down a partially explored hallway.

We stop at the first door we've never gone through.

Blossom listens and hears a squelching sound with an acrid smell. 

Yevgeney forces open the door with a crowbar to reveal a 20' by 20' room.

The floor is covered with a deep layer of maggots, writhing on the floor.

This must be a Fly-Man nursery?

Yevgeney squashed several by forcing the door open. Hopefully the Fly-Men don't notice.

Oh It's A Proper Brawl

He immediately closes the door and we go south 30 more feet to another set of doors when we are suddenly surprised by a large group of Fly-Men.

They turn on us and vomit molten gold on the front rank Poppy and Liminal, burning them severely.

Their 2nd rank carries pole-arms as well, but miss.

Let's Try Five Spellcasters, That's A Neat Trick

Ulf casts Lightning Bolt for 11 damage (a low roll) and Thekla casts Light on one.

Yevgeney casts Cure Light Wounds and we hear the Abbey whirl and grind around us.

No time to think on that now, Fly-Men to kill.

Liminal casts Hypnosis and orders 2 Fly-Men to hug their neighbors and Mayfly also casts Lightning Bolt off of a scroll to kill several Fly-Men.

Thekla casts web to hold the Fly-Men in place for a moment.

We wail on them until they start vomiting molten gold onto the web to set it on fire and melt it.

Wrapping Things Up

Mayfly plans to run back to the maggot room to threaten the Fly-Men with fireballing the room while Ulf downs 2 and injures 2 more with a Lightning Bolt.

Liminal follows up with a Phantasmal Force, designed to look like another Lightning Bolt bouncing around the group, knocking out all but one of the remaining Fly-Men.

The last one standing is hypnotized. 

We quickly kill the hypnotized and unconsciousness Fly-Men, then bind wounds.

No Treasure Is Too Gross For Us

While the healers heal, we dissect the Fly-Men (12 in total) for their golden innards, for 1,200sp worth of gold!

We check behind us, what should be north, and don't recognize what we see. Instead of the path behind us, we see a 30' path and then a door.

Oh no! Are we lost?

We advance to this new door, which is actually an old door and takes us back to the fountain room we passed through earlier. The stairs up should be to the north east, which Blossom confirms quickly.

Crisis Immediately Averted

We next scout to the west, to see what's changed over there.

We see a 20' hallway then a black void.

We go back south to the two doors we originally were trying to go through. Blossom and Liminal each listen at one. 

Liminal hears nothing.

Blossom hears a loud clanking of metal and the buzzing of Fly-Men. 

Our Referee describes it as either the sounds of a kitchen or "two knights, trying to Fuck in-armor."

Either way, we don't want that heat, so we go south further, into a 30' by 20' room and check the door east out of the room.

More Exploration

Yevgeney fails to open the door, his crowbar slipping and stabbing into the swollen wood. He gets slimmed by the Abbey and we try again.

He succeeds the second time and forces open the door to reveal a large hall, 60' wide and 30' deep.

There are doors to the east (across from us) and to the west (same side as us, to our right) and to the north (on our left).

From outside the room, we can see it is decorated with scenes of ruin and death. Two rows of columns decorate the interior of the room.

More Wizard Shit

Mayfly reaches into his robe and pulls out his familiar and commands it to search the room for traps and treasure.

We hear the soft pitter-patter of feet across the stone floor and after a moment, a door-shaped square of stone on the south wall is highlighted in purple - a secret door!?!

We approach the secret door - clearly the only door in the room that matters - and search for a way to open it.

Secrets in the Dark

On one of the columns, we see a carving of a figure holding a key, dead, and a fly is standing above it, shushing us.

Higher levels of the abbey use the motif of St. Gax shushing to hid secret doors, this appears to be a play on that.

We touch the key on the column and the wall slides up.

It reveals a 30' by 10' room of bare sandstone.

In side we see:

  • A heap of dung that needs sifting through.
  • A huge bronze chest - 3' by 4' by 3'.
  • A set of terry-cloth sacks, five.
  • Three wooden chests painted to look like little temples.

Blossom checks for traps and finds none and fortunately, Mayfly prepared Floating Disk today, so we can carry out all the treasure!


Liminal wants to check the poop for traps or treasure while Miranda assures us that she would never put a living poop monster in her game.

NOTE: She didn't say she wouldn't put traps in poop piles.

He finds two wooden coffers hidden in the poop pile.

The bulk of us lift up the large bronze chest and heft it onto the Floating Disk and we gather up the rest of the treasure, including the poop coffers and decide to head home.

We make it outside the Abbey and back to the village safely.

The disk lasts almost exactly the trip back to the outside, and dissipates, dropping the chest right outside the Abbey, in the graveyard.

Back To The Village

The coffers each contain black velvet robes with gold trim 500sp each (1,000sp total).

In the large bronze chest is 1,500sp in gold ingots.

The bags contain bejeweled chestplates worth 750sp in total.

The three smaller wooden chests contain 10,000 copper coins (1,000sp).

For a total of 4,250sp of treasure.

Note, we forgot the Fly-Man guts when calculating total treasure.

We each get 738xp, 464sp, and 1430cp.


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Nightwick Abbey - Session 114 - Two Knights, Trying to Fuck In-Armor

  Previously, in Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongo...