Friday, March 14, 2025

Nightwick Abbey - Session 113 - When (Almost) Everything Goes Wrong


Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... [Link to come soon...]

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 113 - 13th of Primes. 1399

This week's adventurers:

Blossom (Rogue 6)

Mayfly (Magician 6)

Ulf (Magician 5)

Liminal Space (Changeling 5)

Krupe (Cleric 5)

Pataki (Rogue 2) 

Zintra (Changeling 1)

Hirelings: Demut the Man-Slayer (Fighter 1), Fryzcho, Vridil

Downtime in the Village

Ulf begins studying to learn the spell Fly, and Mayfly fails to learn the spell Summon Elemental.

Liminal hires a fighter by the name of Demut the Man-Slayer and Ulf hires two woodsman, kicked out of the woodsman lodge after converting to the Church of the Law.

Into the Abbey

Emboldened by tales of the defeat of Great King Death from last week's delve, the party decides to descend to level 4 to further explore and possibly confront Plutus, the demon lord of the level.

We make it to level 4 without incident, following our own well-worn path.

As we begin traversing the dungeon towards Plutus' domain, we hear a grinding sound coming from the darkness in the room to the south of us.

We approach the doorway of our room to form rank and a Flesh Eater - a giant animated undead sarcophagus - emerges from the darkness.

A Dungeon Snack

We make a plan to use Web to stop it and run around, but it wins initiative and charges onto our front line.

It opens up its lid-mouth and a huge foul-smelling tongue emerges and wraps around Liminal Space, crushing him. It drags him into its carapace and begins digesting him.

I take a dog for a walk and when I get back Ulf disassociates for a moment and when he gets back, things are still going poorly.

Mayfly casts Web over the creature, trapping it, but with its supernatural strength, it will break out in 4 rounds.

It's Like a Piñata Stuffed With Flesh

All of our hirelings break morale and flee in terror from the beast while Krupe moves up to fill in the first rank.

From within the Flesh Eater, Liminal Space casts Summon Flame and begins to torch the creature's insides. We hear muffled screams come from inside the creature that don't sound like Liminal's.

Mayfly chucks his torch into the web ensnaring the creature, lighting it on fire.

Liminal and the creature both take damage from the fire, and we hurry to wail on it with our weapons to free our flammable changeling friend.

Out of the Sarcophagus and Into the Blender

This round of melee attacks is enough to down the beast, and we rush to pull a charred Liminal Space out of its cavity.

Before we can recover from the fight, we notice a clean dozen Blind Brudders to our left, emerging out of the next room over.

Surprised, we are rushed by them and they cleave their rusty swords into Blossom's and Krupe's flesh.

A third with a lance strikes at Krupe from the 2nd rank but misses.

Liminal, barely alive (1 hp), grasps his magic amulet to cast Turn Undead as a 7th level cleric, destroying all 12 undead instantly!

It's Fine, We Weren't Using That Part of the Dungeon Anyway

We hear the dungeon writhe and grind around us, like a giant house settling, off to the east.

We bind wounds and Liminal downs a healing potion while Krupe casts a healing spell on him.

The dungeon shifts yet again in response to this holy magic, again to our east.

A New Path Emerges

Against our better judgement, we continue on our original plan to go south to Plutus' realm. 

Past a door, Liminal and Zintra sense a secret nearby and find a secret door to the east in a stone wall.

However, they can't figure out how to open the door yet, they've just found a thin and wide slat in the wall. Liminal inserts his sword into the wall, and it fits and stops after about 6".

We find out that, with the sword inserted, the whole wall pivots around the sword to let us past.

More Fucking Undead Lying In Ambush

As he cracks the wall open, spouts of fire shoot out of the wall towards him.

Several hit and we see three undead robed figures lying in wait behind the door.

They win initiative and the whole party is engulfed in magical darkness by an undead sorcerer.

Liminal uses his amulet yet again to turn this undead while the rest of the party flees.

The abbey writhes and changes in the distance yet again, but Blossom, returns to the room, which is 30' by 20' with a door on the opposite wall.

Her magical blindfold allows her to see through the magical darkness left by our foes.

Some Actual Treasure For a Change

The walls are large sandstone blocks, carved with astrological symbols, covered in gems.

On the right wall is a table holding a black book decorated with gemstones. After checking for traps, Blossom takes the book back to the group.

Mayfly identifies the books as on the subject of the movement of the spheres in the sky.

Blossom values the book at 1,000sp and Mayfly thinks it may be able to help us with some magical research later.

Back to the Village

Content with leaving the abbey with our lives and this book, we depart the dungeon from there without further incident.

Back in the village, we find no trace of our hirelings, nor word that they ever returned to the village.

It seems when they fled into the depths of the abbey, it decided to keep them.

We each receive 521xp for our efforts, which is enough to push Pataki to level 3!

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 113 - When (Almost) Everything Goes Wrong

  Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... [Link to come soon...] Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You ca...