Sunday, February 9, 2025

Nightwick Abbey - Session 110 - Assualt on the Castle

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey...

Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here and the ongoing development of Nightwick Abbey at her Patreon here.

Session 110 - 25th of Unodecember, 1398

This week's adventurers:

Gerung Floating Disk (Magician 3)

Pataki (Rogue 2)

Noor (Magician 1)

Blanda (Frogling Cleric 1/Thief 1)

Persnickety (Changeling 1)

Chamberpot Ulfson (Fighter 1)

Hirelings: Dompnig, Hartnid

Assault on the Castle

We ended last session arriving back at the bandits' castle that Brother Noj had hired us to retake.

We arrive late in the evening and decide to make our assault that night, before they discover in the morning that we had ambushed their patrol.

Using the map Pataki had drawn, we make a plan.

Pataki's map of the ground floor

Our spell casters are all low level and our spell selection is limited. We have 2 Sleep spells, 2 Hold Portals, and a Floating Disk and Invisibility.

Planning this assault was a ton of fun; we had to figure out how to use a limited selection of spells and fighting prowess to handle an overwhelming force of opponents. Let's see how we did.

We make a plan to use Hold Portal to hold off reinforcements so we can take on the ogre alone.

Into the Dark

We enter the keep, seemingly unnoticed in the dark and enter the entrance chamber, a 10' by 30' room.

Once inside, the pale light of the waxing moon no longer shines upon us and Pataki lights a torch to guide our way.

We go to the next room and notice two features on the east and west walls.

On the east is a niche in the wall containing a statue of the Lady, with her head replaced by a goat head. 

The western wall contains a fine tapestry depicting the Lady receiving the Thrum of the God of Law, the beginnings of the Holy Church of Law.

Gerung's Greedy Plan

It looks immensely valuable, so of course Gerung immediately takes it down to sell.

As he does so, he triggers a trap! A crossbow bolt flies out from behind the tapestry, striking him, but not fatally.

He manages to bite down and not holler out in pain.

It is now time to carry out our plan.

Time to Carry Out Our Plan

Gerung casts Invisibility on himself and sneaks across the main hall.

His footsteps echo through the room and wake up the ogre.

He storms out of his room, angry, and notices our party's torchlight, storming past invisible Gerung.

Persnickty quickly casts Sleep on the Ogre and it falls down with a heavy thunk.

The talking in the room south, where bandits set watch, suddenly stops.

The Plan Falls Apart

Gerung manages to rush south and cast Hold Portal on their door after casting the same spell on the door to the stairwell up.

We rush into the hall and kill the sleeping ogre as the hall fills with the sound of banging on both doors.

Hartnid laughs and kicks the ogre on the head and we have 5 turns until the spell on the southern door ends and 8 for the northern door.

Noj's Plan

While we debate our options, Brother Noj exclaims, "if we're quick we can still save her" and runs into the ogre's room.

We follow him to see a small room filled with baskets and Noj descending down a set of stairs into the basement.

Just in case we're followed into the room, we stack several baskets against the door. In the process, we find a fine doublet decorated with the severed head of a nun. Pataki recognizes it as a produce Nunhead, a city downriver.

We also find a basket full of iron ingots and another with 500 silver pieces.

Creepy Cleric

Barricade built, we follow the priest into the basement. 

When we make it to the basement, we see Brother Noj at the edge of our torchlight sitting, weeping over a large chest.

We approach him, but Noj swings his mace at us and says "Fuck off!" not allowing any of us to get close.

As we discuss the chest, we hear a muffled woman's voice cry out from the chest.

Save the Girl

Gerung, who is still invisible, steps up and stabs Noj with his knife.

He's especially effective and puts the crazed cleric down with one strike.

Pataki checks the chest for traps, finds none, finds it locked, finds a key on Br. Noj's body and opens the chest.

She opens it to reveal a woman, folded up in the chest, who immediately stands up.

The Lady?

Her skin is a pale whitish-grey, like birch bark, and her hair is made out of gold leaves - an elf or some other fey creature.

"I thank you, but I cannot be rescued...unless..." and she gestures west towards a passageway blocked with rocks off to the west.

She indicates that a horror resides beyond the rocks that must be dealt with to free her.


We decide to deal with bandits upstairs first, then the horrors below.

We rush upstairs, and set up across the hall from the southern door as the bandits burst forth.

They seem angry, swords drawn, and charge at us.

Like Shooting Bandits in a Hallway

We land a volley of missile fire as they run up and we kill the first two bandits. 

The survivors rush us and hit Chamberpot and Dompnig, but both stay standing.

We quickly surround the two remaining bandits and slash at them with all sorts of weapons and tools.

Our Boy, Our Beautiful Bow

One is left and he strikes down Hartnid, breaking his arm, down and unconscious but still alive.

Thanks to a death & dismemberment table roll.

Pataki and Chamberpot kill the final bandit quickly.

We bind wounds and set up at the south end of the hall, opposite the door upstairs as the Hold Portal spell fades and the door bursts open.

Cut off the Head

We glimpse two groups of men, a group of beastmen, and a figure in full plate armor.

Persnickty casts Sleep on the leader in plate, Sir Robin, and he falls over.

The beastmen formerly under his control immediately begin panicking and flee into the dark night.

I Don't Discuss It But These Bandits Kept Passing Their Morale Rolls

The first group of bandits step over the dead ogre and bring bows to level against us.

Chamberpot is badly hit and Dompnig is killed outright.

Next round, the 2nd group breaks through and begins charging towards us with melee.

Running Away is Always a Winning Strategy

We run into the room behind us where the first bandit group had been standing guard to break line of sight from the archers.

We knock over a table to use for cover and await the bandits.

We kill one bandit as they charge into the room, then three more in the next round.

Only a few bandits remain and they come charging into our room.

I Also Kept Fucking Up Our Initiative Rolls, But I Won't Write That Down

Chamberpot kills another one next round, then they move into melee range.

Chamberpot is hit again, left with 2hp, but still alive and Hartnid is struck down again, his left arm cut off!

He is left alive, though!

With our numbers advantage, we quickly finish off the last two bandits and then bind our wounds and stabalize Hartnid.

A Castle Claimed

We also kill off sleeping Sir Robin while we're at it.

We've earned each 200xp from the night's fighting.

The night grows late, so we will handle looting the bodies and the rest of the castle next time.

Next week, we also will deal with the horrors underground!

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Nightwick Abbey - Session 111 - I See What the Problem is, You've Got Evil Under the Floorboards

Previously, in the world of Nightwick Abbey... Want to learn more about the world of Nightwick from Miranda? You can follow her blog here a...